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Monday, October 18, 2010

The "magical" service of Disney

I had been planning this Disneyland trip to Paris for one month... one whole month. I thought I had everything set: the group of friends, the train ticket, the entrance pass and most of all the excitement.

The anticipated day finally came, and it did not start quite as I hoped.

I arrived at the train station at 8:15am (half and hour before the departure), so I went to the closest boulangerie and got a hot chocolate and croissant. While I was enjoying my petit-
déjeuner, I was casually looking at the departure board and could not find my train number or time. Panicked, I checked my ticket, and sure enough, I was at the wrong station.

Thankfully, the Gare Lille Europe is less than five minutes walking distance from Gare Lille Flandres so I made my way there. As soon as I joined my group of international friends, I checked my purse for my carte 12-25, a reduction card for travellers between the ages of 12 and 25, so I could have it ready to show during the ride.

Just my luck, I did not have it on me. I was positive I had put it in my purse the night before, but I must have forgotten it. Oh well I thought, it could happen to anyone, so I will explain to the controleur my situation and hopefully, he will take pity on a foreign student.

No, he did not take pity (with good reason because he was only doing his job), and I paid a fine of 66€ (euros). That was double the amount of money I paid for my roundtrip ticket there. I tried not to think about it too much because there was a petite chance I could get a reimbursement at the train station if I explained what happened.
I was feeling a bit squirmish, but I knew that going to EuroDisney would change that. After all, it was a magical world. If I got lost, I would be with friends, and there were no fines to ride the trains in Disney.

I got there and of course, I had printed the online payment to the park (not the actual ticket with the bar-code as all my friends had). While everyone went inside, my friend Randi stayed with me in the visitor's line, so they could print my entrance billet.

Forty-five minutes later, I went inside the park with Randi and made our way to the "Indiana Jones" ride. The roller coaster was a great stress-reliever... I felt the adrenaline rush through my body and my tension from before was beginning to dissipate.

I did not actually feel the "magic" until I ate lunch at a 50s American-looking diner in the Village Disney. And surprisingly, it wasn't the nourishment that raised my feelings but the service.

I ordered a classic amusement park lunch of chicken nuggets and fries. My American visa or carte bleu did not work at the cash register, so I decided to settle for a 2 hot chocolate (if I'm starting on a diet, might as well be here with all the walking). I was taking mon chocolat chaud when the Disney worker who took my order handed me a "Mickey" bag of the food I had originally wanted.

"Bonne journée! Bon appetit!" she said with a smile. =)

And that was how I began to have a good day... the kindness of strangers can truly make a difference in one's life no matter how small the act.


  1. de oliveira angéliqueOctober 22, 2010 at 7:38 AM

    Très jolie blog chère Gitzel! Tu ferais une très bonne reportère!!! :) Je te souhaite de poursuivre tes aventures, de rencontrer toujours plus de monde, de découvrir des endroits toujours plus beau et de t'amuser tooujours plus!!! Big french kisss

  2. Aww merci beaucoup Angelique! Je suis contente d'avoir fait ta connaissance <3 Tu es une fille très sympa et gentille Bisous!

  3. Aww...I am glad to hear that your day FINALLY did turn out magical. I would say that the disney worker, was truly an "angel among us". aww, remember?
    Sounds like quite an adventure.

  4. Yes, I remember Are!! How can I forget our reporter/anchor days at CTV? Thank you my friend!
    Love you.
