(Photo by Dominique, my host dad)
As the title hints, I experienced my first white Christmas-- the snow gave me that American film-feeling to my Christmas celebration this year. It was beautiful! The picture above is in the neighborhood I resided for my last two months with my very nice host family or famille d'accueil. They were kind enough to accept me into their home not as their son's past French class college student, but as a motivated French-language learner in a foreign country.
I am very thankful to have spent Christmas with them because I missed my family back in Arizona and our usual tradition of going to my grandparent's house and eating Mexican delicacies. However, I got to experience the French culture during my homestay. Everyone just made me feel like a part of the famille. For Christmas Eve or le reveillon my host mom, Isabelle, made a variety of hors d'oeuvres platters, in which I helped cut mini-tomatoes and fill them with tuna.
All the platters looked so delicieux, but we waited for both mami and papi (grandparents) to arrive and start the feast. I had a wonderful celebration and even received some presents: Harry Potter dictionary and a chocolate box. Merci!